Quality Control
Wood Manufacturing
Most Roundwood products are essentially the same shape and form as the log they are manufactured from. Logs have natural variations in form and quality. Timber piles and poles are graded according to the New Zealand pile and pole standards NZ53605:2001 for use in building.
This standard provides specifications for:
• Maximum sweep over the length of pile or pole.
• Pole grading.
• Knot size.
Should you want additional information on the New Zealand (pile and pole) Standard please feel free to contact PermaPine. Note the standard must be purchased from Standards NZ, it cannot be reproduced.
A handheld computer called a HITMAN is used to assist with pole grading for density and stiffness. This tool records the velocity of a sound wave as it travels along the log and is used as a predictor of pole stiffness and density.
Wood Drying
The method of steam drying used at PermaPine allows for successful drying right through the cross section of the timber products, which is critical in ensuring timber can be effectively treated with preservative. Drying operations are closely monitored and computer controlled to ensure target temperature and time are achieved. The duration of the steam drying charge cycles is dependent on the diameter or size of the timber products being steamed with larger timber cross sections requiring more drying time.
Wood Preservation
Timber treatment operations are precisely controlled to ensure wood products are well treated.
Treatment operations comply with the following standards:
• New Zealand Standard: NZS3640.
• New Zealand Timber Preservation Quality Manual.
• Our external auditor's timber treatment programme.
• Waikato Regional Council resource consent conditions.
PermaPine has a comprehensive internal and external quality control process to ensure wood products are treated in accordance with the regulations and standards above (see photo of core being taken).
Quality Control for Wood Preservation