Our Production Process

Green Production
Logs are delivered to PermaPine in long lengths. The logs are then cut to length and peeled through one of our seven peelers before being graded, stacked and if required bundled. As the product is produced and graded, tags are generated with a product description. Touch screen technology allows real time visability of our inventory. This is critical in planning production and committing accurate delivery dates to our customers.
Wood Drying
When logs and wood products are freshly cut, the cells hold water and resin is also present in the wood. During the steam drying process wood and the water and resin within the wood is heated to over 100 degrees at pressure. Moisture loss occurs during the steaming process and at the conclusion of steaming, pressure is released quickly allowing vapourised water to escape from the timber. This rapid pressure release also creates pathways for preservative entry into the timber.
Wood Preservation
Radiata pine is not naturally durable without wood preservative. The most effective preservative for roundwood and timber products in outdoor applications is CCA. CCA is made up of Copper, Chromium, and Arsenic, with each of the three elements having an important role to play in ensuring the durability of the product after treatment.
• Copper is a fungicide.
• Arsenic is an insecticide, with some additional fungicidal properties.
• Chromium is the fixing agent, fixing the other chemicals into the wood (the glue).
CCA is impregnated into the timber through pressure treatment.
Wood Fixation
Preservative will fix into treated product naturally with time and temperature. This process can be accelerated and controlled within a cylinder by adding steam. This results in a treated product which is drier and easier to handle and can be installed immediately after treatment.
PermaPine has fixation and will add additional fixation capacity in 2022.